Jumat, 30 September 2016


07) POPOKARIMU 2 [Boss]

Boss bat these insects appear again hinder you (apparently he did not die when they fall into the abyss).

a. How quickly but you will lose the chance to get a gem for 10,000 gold.
 Stop motion this boss with a grenade / granade laucher. Run kabagian top of the building and the fight will end.
b. How slow + can gem for 10,000 gold.
Use mines / grenades as before and beat its tail. This fight will be faster anyway than when you first deal.

08) U-8 [Boss]

Boss this one is quite challenging to beat. He mamiliki Leather / protective thick.
Strategy: In a simple way of defeating this boss with cracked skin / protector and shoot his head on it cracks. Shoot was the head / mouth of the U-8 at the first opportunity. When closed no need to throw your shots because your bullets will be reflected by it. After receiving the amount of damage this boss will fall, this is your chance to approach and press the button that appears suddenly in the right to fire a grenade at the boss's mouth. Which would mislead protector crack.
Another way to drop the U-8 with the firing grenades at the pink on her legs, which made him fall temporarily. Further attacks will be more violent, avoid all attacks because if caught, you can get instant dead.Gunakan grenades to beat subordinates U-8, picking up a dropped item. Keep your distance from this boss and repeat the above strategies.


Facing Uroboros time you no longer wish to the combustion chamber for not ada.Boss is still slow, but still you are less useful weapon to defeat her without a proper strategy.
Strategy: The only drawback is the boss fire.Use lauher grenade fire, fire grenades, gas cylinders, or flame thrower in this area. When he was hit by a fire in the belly of this boss will appear orange bubble that became weaknesses shoot (I recommend with machine guns).

10) JILL and WESKER [Boss]

It turned out that Chris will face his old partner alone, Jill

- Phase 1 -> The best way I have found in this first phase is survived while hiding. Because I'm sure you do not want to hurt Jill, was Wasker itself is arguably very difficult in defeat.to harm Wesker enough to get a HEART OF AFRICA, between two ladder later in phase 2. Take refuge from Jill and Wasker shots while picking items in the room this.
After 7 minutes gone, you see the next scene.
- Phase 2 -> VS Jill.
in this phase you only fight with Jill. Your objective is to remove the controller Jill in the chest. Jill join this trick at a distance outside shot, press the button for dangannya his speech, as he puzzled, use Sheva to catch him from behind, and immediately press the action button repeatedly quickly.
Repeat this a few times (about 6 times). While sometimes you have to take shelter behind a pillar, shelter from the barrage of shots Jill.

Uroboros times larger. However, as usual will not make you battle with increasingly complicated. Take L.T.D on the wall and drill sections bubbles on the tentacles. Sheva will slow the movement of this boss. Besides this time Uroboros men have to put you (as a battle with u-8).
Let the men Uroboros Sheva handle this. And seek tentacle both. However, after which it will appear four new tentacles. Uroboros all attacks can be avoided. Repeat the same strategy, Sheva slow the Boss and you are targeting parts of the tentacles. A good idea to ride on a platform over the top for easier targets bubbles on the tentacles. When all the tentacles exhausted, then he raises himself, about 6 shots magnum enough to put an end to this boss.

12 ) Wesker [Boss]
Wesker as the final boss, can be said that a strong and cunning. Close combat with him almost sure very unfavorable and sometimes he used a gun to shoot you at a distance being, as many as three shots. And the most dangerous, Wesker has a destroyer attack in which he would throw rockets toward you, immediately take cover or GAME OVER.Wesker as the final boss, can be said that a strong and cunning. Close combat with him almost sure very unfavorable and sometimes he used a gun to shoot you at a distance being, as many as three shots. And the most dangerous, Wesker has a destroyer attack in which he would throw rockets toward you, immediately take cover or GAME OVER.

- Phase 1 -> turn off the room lights, use a rocket launcher in the dark to tear it down in to the darkness. Immediately approach him when collapsed to lock movement and quickly injected a virus. The first time your business will fail, do not despair because on both occasions you will have successfully injected a virus on it.

- Phase 2 ->
before the start of actual combat phase of the 2nd you will see some of the cutscene and up on higher ground. here is very interesting fight if I express it very dear.

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